TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the performance of state revenue, which includes tax, customs and excise, as well as non-tax state revenue (PNBP), continues to improve. ‘to improve. In February 2022, the achievement of state revenue and grants was recorded at IDR 302.42 trillion, or 16.38% of the state revenue and expenditure budget target for 2022.
“Compared to February last year, when the realization was IDR 219 trillion, this is an increase of 37.7%,” Sri said at a press conference on Monday. March 28, 2022.
At the end of February, the Ministry of Finance recorded tax revenue of IDR 199.4 trillion, an increase of 36.5%. This figure reached 15.77% of the state budget target for 2022.
Growth was supported by the economic recovery, as evidenced by industrial expansions, commodity price developments, as well as export and import performance.
The manufacturing sector was still the largest contributor to tax revenue with a share of 29.1%. Customs and excise revenue comes next with IDR 56.7 trillion, or 23.2% of the state budget target.
The Minister of Finance said that the state revenues illustrate two things. “The first is a fairly strong economic recovery across multiple sectors and types of taxes and revenues. The second is the surge in global commodity prices that contributed to it.”
State revenue performance was also supported by non-tax items, which increased by 22.55% to IDR 46.2 trillion in February 2022, reaching 13.8% of the government’s fiscal target. report for 2022. Non-tax revenue performance was mainly supported by natural resource revenue (SDA) – both oil/gas and non-oil/gas as well as public service agency (BLU) revenue.